The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by dr. Now look at the results section of the article to read all about your intelligence profiles, strengths, and learning styles. Follow these instructions to help download the pdf file printable. Multiple intelligences is the theory, created by howard gardner, that every person excels at a different type of learning. Teaching multiple intelligence theory laura candler. Use this quiz to find out about your unique style of thinking and. To determine whether certain activities which address different intelligences are used in the efl classroom. Problem a my 1st is in bug but not in rug my 2nd is in please but not in peas my 3rd is in shut but not in shot my 4th is in one but not in two when you find me, i will be sad problem b your two best friends are very unhappy. This survey is something i developed to use in my own 5th grade classroom, so i wont claim that its researchbased. These three intelligences as analytic because even though they can have a social or introspective component to them, they most fundamentally promote the process of analyzing and incorporating data into existing situations. Multiple intelligences theory, action research, and teacher. Howard gardner is professor of education at harvard university and holds research appointments at the boston veterans administration medical center and boston university school of medicine.
Teachers use the theory of multiple intelligences as a basis for change in their classrooms in a variety of ways. We are also grateful to anne fleischmann, then education officer with the presentation network of schools, who was one of the pioneers of multiple intelligences in irish classroom. Includes eight different areas for students to comment on to help ensure your teaching fits your students needs. Multiple intelligences in educator professional development b y wa l t e r mcke n z i e, th e on e a n d on l y su r f a q u a r i u m it corresponds well with the many technologies available for training, teaching, and learning it allows for varied kinds of formative and summative assessment during training. Students complete a quiz on each intelligence, then graph their results. The theory of multiple intelligences differentiates human intelligence into specific modalities, rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability. If you arent familiar with howard gardners theory, youll find that ebook a good place to start. Each of the 8 sections contains 5 kid friendly statements that the students must either agree or disagree with. Howard gardner proposed this model in his 1983 book frames of mind.
The theory of multiple intelligences howard gardner. Multiple intelligences in educator professional development b y wa l t e r mcke n z i e, th e on e a n d on l y su r f a q u a r i u m it corresponds well with the many technologies available for training, teaching, and learning it allows for varied kinds of. Then count how many circles you have in each column, and write that number at the bottom of each column. There are 40 questions aligned with each of the multiple intelligences musical, spatial, logicalmathematical, interpersonal, linguistic. Smarts survey the multiple intelligences in religious education. After reading the book and having a discussion, students take this multiple intelligences survey. If youre a teacher or tutor, you can also use it to find out which intelligences your learner uses most often. Pdf learning styles and multiple intelligences of selected. Pdf efl teachers multiple intelligences and their classroom. This bundle contains a multiple intelligences survey so your students can learn how they are smart. Gardner prefers to describe cognitive ability as a set of eight intelligences. Help your students discover their multiple intelligences by taking this multiple intelligence test and seeing where they excel.
Gardners multiple intelligences descriptions, preferences. Selfestimated inventor y draft version by clifford morris. Multiple intelligences survey grades 4 8 check x each statement that applies to you. Multiple intelligences selfassessment quiz edutopia. Multiple intelligences tally sheet circle the numbers below that you checked on your multiple intelligence checklist. Gardner believes people possess multiple types of intelligence, not just words and mathematical intelligence. Make a bar graph of your multiple intelligence survey results.
Gardners theory of multiple intelligences m1 caught the imagination of educators and since the mid1980s gardners theory has been applied in educational contexts. Jul 30, 2015 this quiz helps students identify how they learn, based on howard gardners multiple intelligence theory. The multiple intelligence survey for kids is part of my ebook teaching. Multiple intelligences questionnaire teachervision. Aug 02, 2017 the survey has four questions for each of the eight intelligences and includes connections to our faith. The connell multiple intelligence questionnaire for children. Some of this description is partially adapted and reprinted from the eric. His theory suggests the traditional concept of intelligence, based on i. Almost eighty years after the first intelligence tests were developed, howard gardner challenged the view that something called intelligence could be objectively measured and reduced to a single number or iq score.
Depending on the age of the students, you could have them read it, or read it to them. Differences in the ways in which students do this have received less attention. To begin, click on the printable multiple intelligences test. Gardners multiple intelligences mi the theory of multiple intelligences mi was first described by howard gardner in frames of mind 1983. This activity will take you approximately 21 minutes. Implementing multiple intelligences and learning styles in. For an indepth explanation of the theory, read the multiple intelligences overview. To determine whether certain activities which address different intelligences appeal to the learners. Printable multiple intelligence test pdf this is not a test its just for your own information but it is based on wonderful studies done by. Theory and application hope phillips columbus state university abstract howard gardners theory of multiple intelligences has challenged the historical view of intelligence as a fixed quantity since he first published frames of mind in 1983. Learning styles and multiple intelligences of selected business administration students article pdf available in journal of education culture and society. Teaching students about multiple intelligence theory can be very empowering, especially when you. The analytical intelligences are by nature heuristic speculative formulation processes.
Multiple intelligences test based on howard gardners mi model manual version see for selfcalculating version score or tick the statements in the whiteout boxes only i like to learn more about myself 1 i can play a musical instrument 2 i find it easiest to solve problems when i am doing something physical 3. I find graphs, charts and diagrams easy to understand. Intelligences test is like a iq test multiple intelligences career assessment test also known as multiple intelligences test, multiple intelligences inventory, or multiple intelligences survey. A special interest group sig of the american educational research association aera survey and evaluation. To determine the multiple intelligence profile of the students. Multiple intellligence theory in all of its educator guides, sparked offers a diversity of content and activities addressing a variety of student intelligences. But it is a useful tool when presented as a fun activity rather than a true assessment. Multiple intelligences test based on howard gardners mi. No matter what, multiple intelligences can give you and your students a new way to approach learning. Oct 18, 2011 this survey is something i developed to use in my own 5th grade classroom, so i wont claim that its researchbased. Gardners multiple intelligences descriptions, preferences, personal potential, related tasks and tests intelligence type intelligence description typical roles, preferences, potential related tasks, activities or tests 1. The theory of multiple intelligences was first proposed by gardner in 1983 in frames of mind as a direct challenge to the classical view of intelligence gardner et al. Multiple intelligences background learners and individuals in general can be described and categorised in a variety of ways.
In 1983, howard gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences mi, though he has continued to revise his theory over the years. The survey has four questions for each of the eight intelligences and includes connections to our faith. The analysis of the findings suggest that change within the curriculum content, consistent with a constructionist and multiple intelligences view of learning would enable student to. Multiple intelligences survey results bar graph rough draft. Pdf this study sought to investigate whether there are differences among efl instructors of various intelligence types in terms of the types. Individuals draw on these intelligences, individually and corporately, to create.
I often see clear visual images when i close my eyes. The multiple intelligence quiz estimated time required. These designations refer to howard gardners theory of multiple intelligences, described in the document below. Best way to study by clifford morris july 14, 2002. In a 2012 employer survey conducted by the chronicle the. This form can help you determine which intelligences are strongest for you. To determine the multiple intelligence profile of the teachers. The multiple intelligence survey for kids is part of my ebook teaching multiple intelligence theory. Some create special forms using the areas of intelligence as a matrix for planning.
Bodilykinesthetic, logicalmathematical, visualspatial, linguistic, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalistic. Multiple intelligences selfassessment russell rowe. Pdf the theory of multiple intelligences and critical thinking. Multiple intelligences view of learning, to develop an interactive curriculum development model involving high school students and teachers. Read the descriptions, and check the ones that describe you. Teachers report that they plan for instruction in ways which use as many intelligences as possible.
If you are interested in finding out your students learning styles based on gardners 8 multiple intelligences then this survey is appropriate for your class. As designed, i think it would be most effective with 4th graders and up. Use the following checklist to determine which intelligence each of your students possesses. While the test was a useful tool to explore different ways in which intelligence can be understood, research calls into question whether results were being interpreted and used appropriately. Multiple intelligences inventory for adults place a 2 in the box if the statement is a lot like you, 1 if it is somewhat like you, and 0 if it is not like you at all. In 1983, howard gardner, a wellknown psychologist and the creator of the multiple intelligences mi theory, suggested that all individuals have personal intelligence profiles that consist of combinations of. Everybody is intelligent in different and diverse ways.
Terry armstrong for graciously allowing us to use his questionnaire. The multiple intelligences quiz has been removed from edutopia. Then total the number you checked at the bottom of each intelligence section. While the test was a useful tool to explore different ways in which intelligence can be understood, research calls into question whether results. Anne attended many of our early meetings and was an.
Multiple intelligences test based on howard gardners mi model. Multiple intelligences in the efl classroom a perspective in. It also contains the explanation cards for each of the 8 smarts, a graph so they can plot how strong they are in each smart, and finally, it contains the investigate a book menu product which has over 40 ideas on how a student can apply a. The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by psychologist howard gardner in the late 1970s and early 1980s, posits that individuals possess eight or more relatively autonomous intelligences. There are handouts for each intelligence that students can read and learn what they are good at, ways to help them learn, and possible career choices. Browse multiple intelligences resources on teachers pay teachers, a marketplace trusted. Multiple intelligence questionnaire printable assessment.
Multiple intelligences selfassessment quiz editors note. Multiple intelligence test for children lovetoknow. Even if you have the same kind of intelligence as another person, the way you use your intelligences will be unique to you and your work. Multiple intelligences survey, graph, and explanation cards. Subsequent theorists have proposed varying and different intelligences ranging from as few as 3 to as many as 10 with the most commonly used number being 8. Some create special forms using the areas of intelligence as. The following tables list eight types of intelligence and activities that relate to each. Ways im smart bar graph students transfer the numbers from the student survey to the graph and color the vertical bars accordingly.
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